one less thing

explore your self and the world through

the alexander technique

this isn’t one more thing to learn how to do

it’s a process of un-learning

a practice of un-doing

an invitation to free yourself

and receive the support waiting within you

“there is only one way of saying what the work is and what we are doing. we are giving Nature her opportunity. this is a definition allowing for change and growth.”

— f.m. alexander



one less thing: an origin story


i came to this work to address my pain.  chronic debilitating back spasms and a recurring stiff and sore neck.  the alexander technique helped me connect the wrenching hurt in my flesh and bones with the vice grip i had on my life.  i had been taught growing up to do more, go fast, get ahead.  the technique says do less, slow down, and get quiet.  i realized if i wanted to experience ease in my body i would have to make space in my life.

enter ‘one less thing.’  a playful mantra that visited me my first year of training.  it came as a gift from the ether and became my bright little guide.  a gentle invitation to allow some space.  a reminder saying ‘no’ held my medicine.  

‘one less thing’ grew in significance as the work’s essence began to sink in.  at its heart, the alexander technique is a subtractive process.  we invite un-doing, un-learning.  as we notice the ways we’ve collapsed ourselves down and learned to hold ourselves up, we pause and lessen our effort.  we unwind our habits and release our armor to liberate the system of support innate within our design.  a deep network of postural muscles, fascia, and bones built for expansion and power.  being in our bodies doesn’t have to be so hard.  there is more support within our own physiology and right beneath our feet than most of us can fathom.  if we’re willing to trust our brilliant design, the abundance available is endless.  all we need do is let go.

‘one less thing’ is my invitation, my offering. the gifts of the alexander technique have transformed my life.  i am honored to be sharing them forward.